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Modern Day Slavery Statement

This Policy Statement applies to all Acorn Energy Ltd employees, contractors, and others who engage with Acorn Energy Ltd. The Policy is in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and relates to all of Acorn Energy Ltd's work activities and supply chain partners.


It sets out the steps Acorn Energy Ltd will take to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in any of its dealings.


Acorn Energy Ltd Policy in relation to slavery and human trafficking. Acorn Energy Ltd does not permit, condone, or otherwise accept any form of slavery and/or human trafficking (as defined in the Modern Slavery Act 2015) either by its employees, subcontractors, contractors, agents, partners, or any other organization, entity, body, business, or individual with whom Acorn Energy Ltd engages or does business with.


Acorn Energy Ltd is committed to preventing any form of slavery and/or human trafficking in its activities and to ensure that its associated parties are free from any form of slavery and/or human trafficking.

In the event that Acorn Energy Ltd suspects any slavery and human trafficking by an associated party, we reserve the right to report such suspicions, provide appropriate information to the relevant authorities, and to suspend or terminate any associated engagement, business arrangement, or contract.


All Acorn Energy Ltd subcontractors, suppliers, and other associated parties are required to provide details of the actions they are taking to ensure labor exploitation, slavery, and human trafficking are not taking place in their operations or supply chain and permit Acorn Energy Ltd to audit its compliance to this Policy, including making records available to Acorn Energy Ltd to demonstrate compliance.


Acorn Energy Ltd's due diligence processes in relation to slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains:

  • In order to ensure that no slavery or human trafficking is taking place within its supply chain, Acorn Energy Ltd shall:

    • Incorporate the Policy into Acorn Energy Ltd's Pre-Subcontract Appraisal for suppliers, subcontractors, and partners.

    • Publish the Policy on Acorn Energy Ltd's website for public access.

    • Incorporate the Policy into Acorn Energy Ltd's online pre-approval questionnaire.

    • Include an acceptance condition in Acorn Energy Ltd's supplier Pre-Subcontract Appraisal document that suppliers must abide by the Policy.

Acorn Energy Ltd's effectiveness in ensuring that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in its business or supply chains, measured against such performance indicators as it considers appropriate:

  • To raise awareness of slavery and human trafficking by bringing the contents of the Statement and Policy to the attention of all employees by publishing it on the portal.

  • Requirement for staff who induct new employees to introduce employees to the Policy.

  • Incorporate supplier adherence to the Policy within Acorn Energy Ltd's supplier appointment process.

The parts of Acorn Energy Ltd's business and supply chains where there is a risk of slavery and human trafficking taking place, and the steps we have taken to assess and manage that risk:

  • Suppliers and subcontractors: There may be a risk of slavery and/or human trafficking through organizations with whom Acorn Energy Ltd contracts for the supply of products or services, or through organizations with whom Acorn Energy Ltd subcontracts work to or partners with.

    • The appointment of suppliers and subcontractors is subject to careful due diligence to ensure that there is no perceivable risk of slavery and/or human trafficking. Acorn Energy Ltd engages only with reputable suppliers or parties that do not engage in any form of slavery and/or human trafficking.

    • All such parties

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